
Thursday, May 20, 2021, 17:22

We visted a non-profit ranch today, to process some of their Kiko goats. In the process we learned a little about this meat breed, and it was quite interesting. Apparently, Kiko are worm-resistant and don't take very much vetting at all. They're also apparently quite valuable little goats, especially in the right markets. All of which we found quite fascinating - especially the bit where they're worm resistant! This should be interesting to know to anyone that's interested in minimizing the medicines or chemicals used on their animals.


meat goats

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Please be aware that Cearbhall Home Slaughter is a home-based home-use custom slaughter service. Meat produced from these services cannot be legally sold to third parties. Meat is owned and to be used by the owner of the live animal. There are no inspections that would allow the sale of produced meat.